
Who is dickdavid?

My name is richard [dick] david wezensky. I am an advertising guy who likes to make art. 

A ‘maker’ has to make. My ambition, motivation and passion are driven by art, creativity and design. Having worked many years in the graphics, print and advertising industries, I’ve developed a broad range of experience throughout my career. I’ve been at my current agency, LAUNCH, for almost 2 decades, where I continue to stay inspired to make good design and even win a few awards

I am re-exploring the analog (and sometimes, digital) side of art with sketching, drawing and illustrating. You can see this journey on my sketch Instagram account dickdavid_sketches, Facebook account Dickdavid Art, or here. This creative reset has given me a fresh perspective on the projects that I work on for my clients and I’m open to try more visually challenging solutions

If I occasionally make a piece of art that somebody would like to purchase, please contact me. 

All artwork is the property and ©copyright of richard [dick] david wezensky. No commercial reproductions allowed without permission.

This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon my work non-commercially, as long as they credit me and license their new creations under the identical terms. CreativeCommons CC BY-NC-SA.

NEW CONTENT: This site will show my progression as a maker of art, which is “a symbol of my individuality, and my belief in personal freedom.”

OLD CONTENT (mostly archived): It was a landing place for all things I thought were cool. This mostly included, but wasn't limited to: artgraphic designtypographybicyclingMINI CoopersSciFipop culture and family.
